
Poetry readings, reviews and other writings


Vancouver-based poet Christopher Levenson reads poems from his upcoming collection Moorings, and discusses being lost, being found and places of solace during the pandemic. Jun 21, 2023
Planet Earth Poetry: Christopher Levenson and Leanne Boschman (Jan 27, 2023)
Christopher Levenson featuring for Spoken INK Reading Series Jan 15, 2023


Canadian Literature Interview
Roll of Nickels. With Russell Thornton
Todays Book of Poetry, Michael Dennis


Christopher Levenson Reviews Three Poetry Collections for EVENT 48/1
Al Rempel, Undiscovered Country, Mother Tongue Publishing, 2018
Harold Hoefle, The Night Chorus,  McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018
Jim Johnstone, Ed., The Next Wave: An Anthology of 21st Century Canadian Poetry, Anstruther Books, 2018
Moving to Delilah, Catherine Owen – Review by Christopher Levenson, The British Columbia Review
At first glance, even without the prompts of the cover and the author photo, a casual reader would notice how carefully this book is constructed. Its four sections encompass the poet’s moving from Vancouver to Edmonton, exploring the 1905 house she bought, reporting on her attempts at gardening in a much more hostile climate than Vancouver’s, and finally evoking her growing involvement in the past and present of her new neighbourhood…..

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